Big or Small, We Train Them All.
Are you interested in becoming a member of Mt. Diablo Dog Training Club?
Our Club is dedicated to the sport of Obedience Training, including Rally, and having fun with our dogs. Our mission is to provide the Bay Area quality dog training classes for pet behavior and/or competition. All breeds, mixed or purebred and all ages, puppy through advanced, are welcomed in a positive, fun environment. American Kennel Club (AKC) sanctioned events and other Club activities are also hosted by the membership.
Benefits of Membership
New Friends with a Common Interest
Input on Training Class
Monthly Zoom meetings, and guest speakers
Seminars, such as Canine First Aid, Grooming, Massage Therapy
Award Recognition
How do you become a member?
Complete one training course sponsored by the club prior to applying OR obtain the approval of the Club Training Director.
Ask your class instructor or assistant for an application;
- or come to one of our monthly meetings. We meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month via Zoom.
- Our meetings begin at 7:30pm, guests are welcome.
- Or email our Membership Coordinator, Maria Giannell, at and
request an application form.
Your membership application, in accordance MDDTC By Laws, Article II, Section 3(b), shall be read at two (2) consecutive meetings. At the second, or subsequent meeting, the candidate may be nominated for membership by a voting member in good standing, and the candidate shall be voted upon at the next meeting thereafter.
Member Responsibilities -
We are an active Club and rely on our members’ volunteer efforts to support our activities. It is a great way to meet fellow members and dog lovers. Volunteer to be a ring steward at our AKC Trial or Match, help publish our monthly newsletter, Tales; or anything inbetween. We have a variety of jobs available.
We hope to see you at a meeting soon!